3 to 5 Year Olds

In our Preschool program, children have the opportunity to develop fundamental skills through interactive and educational play. Social skills are further enhanced as children are encouraged to share, take turns, problem solve, and work out conflicts with each other. Lesson plan objectives, which are designed to foster independence and curiosity, include assessment goals for each child to record developmental milestones.

6:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday


Teachers develop their own thematic-based lesson plans based on the interests of the children. These activities include lessons in literacy, math, science, cooking, computers and other technology, process art, creative expressions, large and small motor skills, dramatic play, along with sensory, writing, and social skills. Our preschoolers are offered a wide variety of activities through learning centers where cooperative play is encouraged.

See Learning Centers

Building Independence

Our Preschool program is designed as the bridge between child care and kindergarten. We help to prepare children for full-time school by building their independence, confidence, decision-making skills, and more.

Field Trips

We plan fun outings about once a month to reinforce curriculum themes. Our explorations have taken us to zoos, museums, pet stores, grocery stores, nursing homes, plays, other performances, and more.

Our Admissions Process

We know how important it is for you to be confident in the care and education of your child, so we always start with a visit from you. Come see why everyone loves Grandma’s House.

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Learn Through Play!

Want to get started? Request a tour at one of
our four Centers!

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