2 to 11 Year Olds
Children love spending the summer at Grandma’s House! At each of our four locations, we plan special indoor and outdoor activities to keep your children entertained, engaged, and active during the summer. There is also the opportunity to attend many field trips, for which you pre-register and pre-pay.
6:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday
Summer is the time to enjoy the great outdoors, so to supplement our daily programs, all children ages 2 through 11 years old are invited to participate in numerous field trips to area parks, pools, museums, nature centers, and more. In the classroom, the children enjoy learning through play both in the learning centers and other hands-on activities.
See Learning Centers

For easy identification and security, children will wear Grandma’s House Rash Guard T-shirts on swimming trips and center water play and Grandma’s House T-shirts on all field trips.
In addition to swimming trips, we have water play at Grandma’s House during the week to keep the children cooled off while having fun, so please leave a spare swimsuit and towel in your child’s cubby.
Our Admissions Process
We know how important it is for you to be confident in the care and education of your child, so we always start with a visit from you. Come see why everyone loves Grandma’s House.